Index of libsrelease name last modified size 05dec2018 00. The official user guide cover this case in its passing pom properties section it is possible to pass properties defined in the pom to the asciidoctor processor. Implement static analysis in the process, but do not look for. With html to md, md to pdf, md to docx conversion modules. Stack overflow for teams is a private, secure spot for you and your coworkers to find and share information. And this is a significant reason not to accept the pull request with documentation changes. Asciidoctorj provides java bindings for the asciidoctor rubygem asciidoctor using jruby. Apr 28, 20 the asciidoctor java integration is the official means of using asciidoctor to render all your asciidoc documentation using java instead of ruby. This score is calculated by counting number of weeks with nonzero commits in the last 1 year period. How to pass maven variable to asciidoctormavenplugin. Become a contributor and improve the site yourself.
Jun 03, 20 the asciidoctor java integration is the official means of using asciidoctor to render your asciidoc documentation using java instead of ruby. Asciidoctor maven plugin and doxia parser for maven site integration. Some great things have happened for the asciidoctor maven plugin since the last release, im happy to announce the release of version 0. The imagesdir attribute should be overridden to point to that folder.
The asciidoctor java integration is the official means of using asciidoctor to render your asciidoc documentation using java instead of ruby. Implement static analysis in the process, but do not look. When the datauri attribute is set, asciidoctor diagram returns the absolute path to the generated image, which asciidoctor pdf can then locate. Asciidoctor is a pure ruby processor for converting asciidoc source files and strings into html 5, docbook 4.
A gradle plugin that uses asciidoctor via jruby to process asciidoc source files within the project. Asciidoctorj pdf bundles the asciidoctor pdf rubygem asciidoctorpdf so it can be loaded into the jvm using jruby. Im proud to announce the asciidoctor maven plugin 0. The encoding is defined by the unicode standard, and was originally designed by ken thompson and rob pike. This score is calculated by counting number of weeks with nonzero issues or pr activity in the last 1 year period. The name is derived from unicode or universal coded character set transformation. Configure mco client and server on puppet server node. Asciidoctor maven plugin and doxia parser for maven site integration license.
Millions of domains were analyzed and all the data were collected into huge database with keywords and countries statistics. Addon converters enable conversion to pdf, epub3, latex and mallard. Promoted backend and doctype attributes to options in the fluent api. The asciidoctor maven plugin is the official means of using asciidoctor to render your asciidoc documentation using apache maven. Asciidoc is a text document format for writing articles, books, manuals and. Apr 15, 2015 documentation if often forsaken by developers for multiple reasons. Distribution the asciidoctor maven plugin is published to the maven central repository.
This release aligns the maven plugin version to the latest version of asciidoctorj v1. The artifact information is summarized in the table below. Configuring the asciidoctor maven plugin dzone java. This release contains bug fixes and a couple of new features. In this post, we take a look at how to integrate it easily with java using maven. This makes the examples suitable as independent references and as a starting point. Feb 09, 2020 demonstrates how to integrate asciidoctor diagram with the asciidoctor maven plugin.
Index of jcenter name last modified size com 08mar2017 14. For example, if you have documentation in the asciidoctor format, then at the time of turning it into html pdf, the asciidoctor maven plugin handler may issue warnings, for example, about broken internal links. Index of libsrelease name last modified size com 26may2019 08. So if 26 weeks out of the last 52 had nonzero commits and the rest had zero commits, the score would be 50%. The tilt package can be used to convert to many other formats. Become a contributor and improve the site yourself is made possible through a partnership with the greater ruby community. Browse other questions tagged jruby maven plugin asciidoctor or ask your own question. Index of maven external name last modified size org 10feb2020 01. The asciidoctor maven plugin is published to the maven central repository. When supported by the document, it also allows searching for text.
Demonstrates how to convert asciidoc to epub using asciidoctor epub with the asciidoctor maven plugin. Recommandations hoffman et strooper 2001 considerent quune bonne docu mentation. Converters that embed resources such as images into the output document need to be able to locate those resources at conversion time. Documentation if often forsaken by developers for multiple reasons. Asciidoctorj allows us to write custom extensions in java or groovy, but we can still use asciidoctor extensions written in ruby with the gradle plugin. Browse other questions tagged jruby mavenplugin asciidoctor or ask your own question. This is simply a bug fix release to correct some of the things i messed up with 0. The following issues have been resolved in version 0. May 15, 20 some great things have happened for the asciidoctor maven plugin since the last release, im happy to announce the release of version 0. It also drives the continuous integration ci build. For example, when generating a pdf or html with the datauri attribute set, all images need to be aggregated under a common root i. The asciidoctor maven plugin is the official way to convert your asciidoc documentation using asciidoctor from an apache maven build.
Utf8 8bit unicode transformation format is a variable width character encoding capable of encoding all 1,112,064 valid character code points in unicode using one to four onebyte 8bit code units. Nov 30, 2019 a gradle plugin that uses asciidoctor via jruby to process asciidoc source files within the project. Asciidoctorj pdf bundles the asciidoctor pdf rubygem asciidoctor pdf so it can be loaded into the jvm using jruby. Asciidoc files are converted at full asciidoctor power independently from maven site. Packages for mx15 requiring testing community repository. Index of mavenexternal name last modified size org 10feb2020 01. Promoted icons, iconsdir and scriptsdir attributes in the fluent api. This is handy for example to include in the generated document the pom artifact version number. Asciidoctor maven plugin and doxia parser 1 usages. The builtin asciidoctor converters are for html5, xhtml5, docbook5, docbook45 and manpage. Configuring the asciidoctor maven plugin asciidoctor is a handy documentation tool. Asciidoctor is a ruby tool, but luckily we can use asciidoctorj to use asciidoctor in java code. Mar 16, 2020 converters that embed resources such as images into the output document need to be able to locate those resources at conversion time.
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